Restorative Dental Procedures

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

In brief, restorative dentistry at Lifetime Smiles comprises any dental procedure that concentrates on repairing or restoring impaired oral structures. This can entail procedures such as fillings, bridges, dentures, and dental implants among others. Restorative dentistry doesn't typically include those procedures deemed cosmetic like veneers or whitening treatments.

Most Common Restorative Dentistry Procedures

There are a few restorative dentistry procedures that Tex Mabalon, DDS provides. Determining whether the procedure is for cosmetic purposes or if it's truly necessary can help you save money. Here are some of the most common treatments:

  • Fillings: The most typical type of restorative dentistry are fillings, which come in either amalgam (metal) or composite (white). They're used to reinforce and stabilize a tooth that has been weakened from cavities and decay.
  • Crowns: If a tooth has amassed too much decay to sustain a filling, then it might need a dental crown. Dental crowns act as surrogate teeth, restoring the look of your smile and gumline while protecting your remaining real teeth from more harm.
  • Bridges: Much like dental crowns, bridges are used to fill in spaces where a tooth has been extracted. This procedure involves placing two or more crowns adjacent to each other and then bonding them onto the nearest healthy teeth on either side of the gap. In doing so, this "bridges" the empty space with a porcelain replacement tooth (or multiple teeth).
  • Implants: In cases of severe damage, dental implants may be a good option. With this process, existing tooth structures are replaced with implanted artificial teeth. They're attached to your jawbone by a metal post that's bonded to the bone via a screw-like metal root.

Visit Our Sacramento Restorative Dentist

Don't forget to schedule a comprehensive consultation with your Sacramento dentist, Dr. Tex Mabalon by calling (916) 972-0788.

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